With the help of smartphone apps and FitBit-like devices, women can now track and understand their monthly menstrual cycles and pregnancies digitally
very morning Kayla Strata takes her temperature using a basal digital thermometer and checks her cervical fluid. She then enters those readings into a smartphone app to determine where she is in her monthly cycle.
Known as the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM), this is a way to track ovulation to either help a woman become pregnant or prevent a pregnancy. Strata started using this method in 2014 when she decided hormonal birth control was no longer an option for her because of its side effects.
“You have to be disciplined, but I’m so passionate about this that I follow it diligently. I’m part of a group of women who use this method, and they have been able to avoid pregnancy for years,” she says. continua a leggere
Articolo di Elizabeth Rust su The Guardian