According to Deloitte report, millennials are the most likely demographic to utilize technology for their health. Continue reading
Kids now grow up using mobile technologies, so digital health is not shying away from reaching out to the younger generation. Children tend to be a very open-minded audience, able to absorb useful information presented to them in compelling, innovative ways. Continue reading
La psoriasi non aggredisce solo la pelle, corrode progressivamente la percezione dello schema corporeo, l’autostima, le capacità relazionali. Non è una malattia contagiosa, ma lo diventa nello sguardo impaurito e distanziante degli altri. Oltre alla sofferenza,
provoca vergogna, perché il soggetto si colloca da solo nella categoria di chi produce disagio e rifiuto. La psoriasi diventa progressivamente una malattia dell’io. Continue reading
Researchers at George Washington University are reporting that they’ve discovered the human consciousness on-off switch, deep within the brain. When this region of the brain, called the claustrum, is electrically stimulated, consciousness — self-awareness, sentience, whatever you want to call it — appears to turn off completely. Continue reading
Yvonne Felix has had vision problems since she was four years old. At age seven, she was diagnosed with Stargardt disease – a form of juvenile macular degeneration – after being hit by a car. Continue reading
In the future, your wearables might be a bit harder to spot than an Apple Watch or Google Glass. In a patent awarded Oct. 13, Google outlined a design for a wearable communication device, replete with sensors, memory and a microprocessor, shaped like a contact lens.
The sensors in smartphones can accurately detect the changes in mood that are indicative of bipolar disorder, according to a new study. That could lead to faster treatment and better outcomes for sufferers.
La startup delle protesi in 3D low cost si è aggiudicata il Funky Prize, intervista a Bruno Lenzi, 28 anni, che un anno fa ha fondato una community con 3 progetti e 100 volontari in tutto il mondo. Continue reading
As a New York City based entrepreneur, I’ve been excited to watch as the Big Apple has become the epicenter for innovation on the East Coast. Continue reading