That is right, the implantable. In the past decade of tech innovation, connectivity has been the name of the game. Call your friend in the middle of the night in Antarctica.
Prendiamo l’ascensore, scendiamo al piano -2 dell’ospedale e lì troviamo il mondo di vetrini dell’anatomo-patologo, tanto centrale nella diagnosi e nel follow up del paziente oncologico, quanto spesso invisibile. Continue reading
CVS and IBM have teamed up to stop chronic diseases patients from having a medical emergency before it gets to that point. The pharmacy will use Watson, IBM’s cognitive computing technology, to predict chronic disease patients in danger based on red flag behaviors. Continue reading
It’s time for the provincial government to get out of the way of smart, cost-effective communication between doctors and their patients. Continue reading
Scrive Eric Topol: “With approximately two billion users worldwide, smartphones are the most rapidly adopted technology in the history of man […] We are about to see a medical revolution with little mobile devices”. Continue reading
Innovations in healthcare is becoming paramount in revolutionizing patient engagement, physician time management and improving overall quality of care. It is estimated that over sixty million patients flock to the internet instead of a physician for healthcare related information. Patients now have access to all the information at their fingertips that were once available only to healthcare professionals. Without question technology is having profound impact on the practice of medicine. Let’s explore through this infographic the impact of technology on patient doctor relationship and what what the future beholds.
Researchers testing the effects of DBS on the brains of rats hope to begin testing its effects in humans Continue reading
Dr. Andrea Leeds, a Bellmore pediatrician, said she never leaves home without hers.
Chief Medical Officer Dr. Ronald Gulotta of St. Francis Hospital in Flower Hill thinks younger doctors do not know how to use them the way physicians of his father’s generation learned to diagnose with them. And Dr. Stephen Gulotta, now retired after more than 50 years in medicine, is certain his son is right continua a leggere
Articolo di Delthia Ricks su Newsday
With the help of smartphone apps and FitBit-like devices, women can now track and understand their monthly menstrual cycles and pregnancies digitally Continue reading
Smartphone apps in development will help diagnose and manage diseases—including cough causes, sleep apnea and bipolar disorder Continue reading