Possibilità di prescivere app salute certificate, uso più esteso di teleleconsulto, comunicazione medico-paziente mediata dalle tecnologie, FSE per ciascun cittadino. Questi alcuni punti delle nuove regole a sostegno dell’innovazione digitale approvate il 7 novembre dal Parlamento tedesco. Tutto inizierà a concretizzarsi a breve, già a partire dal 2020.
Articolo su Research 2 Guidance
On 7. November 2019, the German House of Parliament passed new rules supporting digital innovation in Germany. The new rules will have a far-reaching impact on the public health insurance of the 72 million insured citizens. Physicians are able to prescribe medical apps. Telehealth offerings are planned to become the norm. Access to medical patient’s data is provided to research organizations. It all starts 2020/2021!
Now, regulations have been changed over the course of the last months with a major milestone on November 7th 2019. The new rules will have a major impact on the success rate of digital health solutions provided to residents insured in Germany and HCPs.