Digital health is booming on social media, whether it be talking to doctors online or finding out how Twitter can help explain sleep disorders, but what about Instagram?
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CVS and IBM have teamed up to stop chronic diseases patients from having a medical emergency before it gets to that point. The pharmacy will use Watson, IBM’s cognitive computing technology, to predict chronic disease patients in danger based on red flag behaviors. Continue reading
With the help of smartphone apps and FitBit-like devices, women can now track and understand their monthly menstrual cycles and pregnancies digitally Continue reading
Smartphone apps in development will help diagnose and manage diseases—including cough causes, sleep apnea and bipolar disorder Continue reading
The annual Most Wired hospitals report and survey results are out, and they include a bevy of metrics about health IT adoption in the US today.
Some 63 percent of hospitals on the 2015 Most Wired list, which includes US hospitals that have reached a certain level of IT adoption, offer patients self-management tools for chronic conditions, according to a companion survey of 741 representatives from more than 2,213 hospitals in the US.
The survey was sponsored by VMware and fielded between January and March of this year. It was also conducted in partnership with the American Hospital Association’s (AHA) Health Forum and the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME).
The survey also found that 89 percent of Most Wired hospitals offer access to the patient portal through an app. This is significantly higher than last year’s number, when just 58 percent offered this feature. It’s actually not too far off from all hospitals represented in the wider survey. Some 79 percent of all hospitals in the survey offered access to the patient portal through the app, up from 47 percent in 2014. This year, 63 percent of Most Wired hospitals offered secure messaging, compared to 40 percent last year. Some 50 percent of Most Wired hospitals have an app for patients’ personal health records too, up from 32 percent in 2014. continua a leggere
Articolo di Aditi Pai su MobiHealthNews
We live in the digital age. You know that already. Two out of three Americans are now smartphone owners, and more than 86 percent of the population is connected online. But while digital has permeated everything from our social lives to how we work and how we shop, it is only starting to touch how we manage health. Continue reading
Google is bringing wearables to the medical profession. According to a new report, the company has developed a wrist-worn device laced with sensors to give physicians detailed information on patients in real-time, even when they’re away from the hospital. Continue reading
La prima piattaforma digitale per l’applicazione della medicina narrativa nella pratica clinica presentata all’Italian Digital Health Summit 2015 Continue reading
Quali opportunità per clinici, pazienti, istituzioni e industria? Milano, 16 giugno
Le tecnologie digitali e i social media aiutano i pazienti a condividere l’esperienza di malattia? E come cambia il lavoro di medici e caregiver? Se ne è discusso a Foligno alla quarta edizione del Convegno Nazionale di Medicina Narrativa.
A Foligno solo posti in piedi: oltre 150 persone, soprattutto giovani, hanno affollato la Sala Alesini del presidio ospedaliero della città, alla quarta edizione del Convegno Nazionale di Medicina Narrativa lo scorso 15 aprile. D’altra parte, il tema era di quelli forti. “Narrazione e salute digitale”, ovvero in che modo i nuovi strumenti della comunicazione digitale (dai blog ai social come Facebook e Twitter, passando per Skype) possano rappresentare un vantaggio (o un freno) al racconto dell’esperienza della malattia da parte dei pazienti, o siano in grado di facilitare la vita (o complicarla) a chi li ha in carico, dal caregiver al medico. continua a leggere
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